Sunday, 9 August 2015

BlueFly Firmware Update 10.M06

Busy lives means that sometimes the simplest things take forever, like making some minor changes to the firmware. However, when I change the firmware with a new feature I want to make sure it works then document it correctly.

Version 10.M06 of the firmware released today has the following changes:

  • I fixed the bug associated with not being able to set the hardware setting heightSeconds above about 650. This was an integer overflow thing that was easy to fix. 
  • A new hardware setting speedMultiplier (default = 1.0) allows you to adjust the way that the cadence adjusts with increasing vertical speed. By default the cadence increases pretty rapidly according to the graph in the Hardware Settings Manual (see the section on Beep Cadence), and by about 3m/s of vertical speed the cadence is down to about 0.1s. Some pilots who fly regularly in stronger lift wanted this to not be so sensitive. Adjusting the speedMultiplier to 2.0 means that this tops out at 6m/s instead. 

See the support page for the new firmware, an updated Hardware Settings Manual, and an update to the BFVDesktop app.

After updating the firmware make sure to send the command $RSX* via the BFVDesktop app to the BlueFly. This will reset your settings and ensure that the new settings can be used. 

If you have further suggestions for changes to the BlueFly which you think can be made in the firmware please contact me. Both of these changes came from feedback from users.